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Giving to our Projects

Simply select the project that you want to donate to from the list below. You will then be taken to a page that lets you donate. You can give using a credit / debit card, using a Direct Debit or using PayPal.

how to donate

Step-by-step Guide

Step One - Choose Your Project

Find the project you wish to donate to, choosing for the list above. Select the button for your chosen project. Your donation will go to your chosen project, minus any charges for processing your payment.

Step Three - Enter Your Details

On the next page of the form, enter your details. You need to enter your first name, last name and email address if you are not logged in.

Step Five - Enter Payment Details

There will be different details to enter depending on which payment you have selected. Enter the appropriate details for your payment method.

Step Two - Confirm Your Project

You will next see a new page with some brief datails about the project you have chosen. Make sure that this is the project that you wish to donate to. Select the ‘Continue’ button on the bottom of the form.

Step Four - Select Payment Method

Select the method that you want to use to pay from the options provided. These are on the same form as your details, at the bottom of the form.

Step Six - All Done!

If you have entered all the details correctly, a new screen will confirm that your donation has now been accepted – thankyou! You will receive an email when the payment is confirmed.


Previous Donations

If you have donated in the past, you can view your previous donations. Access your donation history, view an individual donation or view your donation receipt.